The days of tedious processing are over…the time is now!
Positive change can happen quickly and with ease.
Conscious Alchemy Quantum Healing™ is the result of years of discovery and application. It is an ever-evolving consciousness transformation experience. As your mind and body are cleansed of the old programs and belief structures you then align with the greater potential of higher mind thinking, emotional & physical transformation and expanding love.
Every person is unique and has their personal experience with CAQH.
After 8 years as a successful Medical Hypnotherapist, Donna Aazura realized more could be done for her clients than hypnosis was accomplishing. She sensed there was still something missing in our understanding of the subconscious mind. In 2008, as Aazura was working with a client she had an experience that dramatically changed the direction of her work. She saw the field of consciousness. Within that field of consciousness, she saw dark patterns. Aazura asked Source what the dark patterns where and the answer was clear…”Shadow Thoughts”! Shadow Thoughts impede the higher potential of your life. “Shadow Thoughts” are deeply buried programs that anchor in fear, limitation and negative belief structures.
Over the course of the following years, Aazura was shown how the human architecture of consciousness is constructed and how to help accelerate conscious awakening & heart opening.
Sessions can be facilitated in person or remotely by phone or Skype. We begin with a discussion about your life and look at areas that have impacted you in positive and negative ways. During our discussion, Aazura begins to see the architecture of consciousness that has formed in your field. From this place, she can determine what “shadow thoughts” and belief structures are in place. At this point, we begin “testing” (easy muscle testing technique that can be done in person or remotely) to identify the “shadow thoughts”. Then with your permission, Aazura aligns with you and begins to delete them. After the foundational “Shadow Thoughts” are deleted we clear personal conditioning and belief structures.
All clearing is done through the quantum transformational ability that Aazura has. She works through the quantum field of consciousness. There is no electronic technology used. Change happens quickly. Aazura provides coaching, integration meditation recording & more during our time together.
Your Conscious Alchemy Quantum Healing™ program begins with a FREE telephone consultation with Aazura or Loras. The consultation allows them to better know what you are searching for and to determine the best way to get started. Please contact NHP via our online form.
This site’s content and the NHP sessions are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.